Remedial Massage and its benefits for you
What is remedial massage?
Remedial massage comprises of a treatment to help with muscle pain, ligaments and tendons. It
involves manipulation of the layers of tissue in the body, including fascia and other supportive tissue that make up the muscles and joints.
Remedial massage can include swedish techniques which tend to be much lighter, deep tissue massage usually is slower and firmer, myofascial release treats skeletal muscle immobility and pain by relaxing contracted muscles.
This rehabilitative session will help your muscles relax and eliminate any knotted tension throughout your body.
Benefits of remedial massage:
Mobility of joints (increasing flow of muscles and joints which will assist in flexibility)
Observe change as corrections of muscles become evident
Improved postural position
Enhance immunity system
Elements of de-stressing
Smoothing skin tone and texture due to oils used in the process
Controlled mental ability increases
Improves whole body circulation and blood flow to muscles/lymphatic drainage
Increases oxygen founds in blood commonly carried by haemoglobin
Decreases muscles spasm and reduce tension which may be caused by overuse and being dehydrated
Research has proven that remedial massage assist and aids in many health disorders such as high blood pressure, arthritis, chronic pain, constipation and depression/anxiety.
Whether you’ve had a stressful day or looking for a sports injury solution, don’t hesitate to cure your pain by booking in a remedial massage at Spinal Care with our very own massage therapist . Relax and unwind by calling us on (02) 8964 6385 or book online to see Vivien or Banggie (link to bio) our massage therapists.
Spinal Care is equipped to handle most cases related to the spine.
We are your experts in treating for neck and lower back pain, sciatica, headaches and migraines