Spinal discs: Bulging discs and Herniated discs

Spinal Discs

Spinal discs separate the bones of the vertebrae. Discs are essential in providing pivot joints to increase range of motion, shock absorption and comprehensive stability. Essentially, spinal discs consist of two components: 

  1. Annulus Fibrosus: Exterior of the disc composing a ring of ligament fibers enclosing the nucleus pulposus, that connects to the spinal vertebrae. 

  2. Nucleus Pulposus: A gelatinous substance within the annulus fibrosus that moves anteriorly with lumbar extension, sending communication signals to surrounding spaces. 

What is a bulging disc? 

Between each vertebrae is a gel-filled disc that acts as a shock absorber and helps the spine move. A damaged disc may bulge, pushing backwards into the spinal canal. The disc usually bulges toward one side of the canal (either right or left), which is why people with a bulging disc are likely to have pain and tingling on just one side of the body. 

Associate Professor Harvey E. Smith noted “A bulging disc is like letting air out of a car tire. The disc sags and looks like it is bulging outward.” 

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What is a herniated disc? 

 This condition occurs when the soft centre of a spinal disc pushes through a crack in the tougher exterior casing.Some herniated discs cause no symptoms. Others can irritate nearby nerves and result in pain, numbness or weakness in an arm or leg.


How can chiropractors help with bulging and herniated discs? 

  Chiropractors can help you to manage the pain of a herniated disc through adjustments in the safest and most effective way. When you are experiencing painful symptoms such as arm pain, stiffness, back and neck pain many try to use medication to ease the pain. However medications are temporary forms of pain reliefs with harmful side effects. Chiropractors can treat the misalignment of the actual herniated disc and associated nerve interference related to the disc. Chiropractors can reduce the pain and help you speed up the rehabilitation process. 

If you are experiencing pain or have any further enquiries, give us a call at (02) 8964 6385 for a consultation with Dr Stephen Yoon or Dr Andrew Al Hage. 

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