Why can’t I find the right pillow?

Have you ever questioned the impact on the choice of your pillow? Pillows are an essential part of every individual's sleeping routine and many factors are affected with this choice. The simple pattern of sleeping can be impacted depending on the choice of pillow used. Moreover, spinal problems and upper back/neck pain can arise when the incorrect pillow is used. 

However, finding the right pillow for every individual can definitely be a struggle without professional advice. This is why our chiropractors recommend our new adjustable pillows for adults.This adjustable pillow can be moulded and adjusted into 12 different forms, allowing every individual to get properly fitted to accommodate their correct shape. The pillow caters to customise itself to the way you sleep, to provide the support and comfort that you need.


Within the ridges of the pillow, there are foam noodles which can be removed to mould to the way you sleep. The height, size and shape of the pillow is all adjustable. The pillow can be helpful in minimising snoring as it encourages clear breathing, and may also be beneficial for asthma sufferers.The pillow is made to encourage good posture and spinal alignment during sleep. The shape of the pillow allows the head and neck to be completely supported and through a core-foam surface, it further promotes airflow.


Benefits of having a good pillow

There are two functions of a pillow and that is to provide comfort and the second is to provide support to your neck and upper back when sleeping. Depending on these two factors, it can affect the quality of your sleep significantly. A good pillow moulds to the natural curve of the human spine to release tension and promote comfort to maximise your sleeping. Sleeping without a pillow or a pillow which does not provide adequate support will not only negatively affect your sleep, but it can lead to pain and soreness in your joints and muscles. 

Sleep is an important factor for living a healthy life and functioning daily tasks without discomfort and tiredness. Getting enough quality sleep is very dependent on the individuals sleeping habits, hygiene and conditions. One of the key factors in optimising your sleep is having a pillow which supports and prompts the needs of your discomfort and restlessness. Pillows have a considerable impact on the quality of your sleep and your overall well-being. 

Things to note when looking for a pillow

When purchasing or looking for a pillow, consider how it provides support to your neck and back, as well as the level of comfort it provides than sleeping without a pillow. It is important remember how your sleeping conditions draw upon the quality of sleep and rest you will get. A pillow further allows the human spine to be outstretched in its natural state without unnecessary stress and discomfort. Sleeping with the wrong pillow or without a pillow will result in stiffness in your neck and back. 


Selecting the pillow that is right for you is heavily dependent on the position that you sleep in the most. For people who sleep on their back a pillow which supports the natural curve of the neck is best. If you sleep on your side a pillow which helps to keep your neck straight would be the best. For people who sleep on their stomach it is best recommended to sleep with a thin pillow or a flat pillow.  Pillows are often self-preference however it is also good to be aware of the pillow which is best suited for you by a chiropractor. This is to ensure that during your sleep your back and neck is supported with a pillow which best suits your needs.

Sleeping without a pillow / unsupportive pillow causes: 

  • Bad posture 

  • Neck and back pain 

  • Stiff neck and back 

  • Intensifies headaches

  • Sleep deprivation

Sleeping with a supportive pillow (memory foam) benefits:

  • Comfort and support for your neck and back 

  • Prevents snoring 

  • Contours your posture 

  • Spine alignment

  • Relieves pressure and counterbalances the points in the body

  • Combats headaches

Why having the correct pillow is important and recommended by our Doctors

Our adjustable pillows have been proven to have improved back and neck pain. It provides you with the support needed to ensure ultimate comfort when you sleep. 

If you have back or neck pain while you sleep or if you have further inquiries regarding the pillows, give us a call at (02) 8964 6385 for a consultation with Dr Stephen Yoon or Dr Andrew Al Hage. To book online, click here:  Book Chiro, Physio, Massage — SpinalCare Olympic Park | Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage - Olympic Park


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